chanca piedra bio

Dr. Wolfram Wiemann of Nuremburg, Germany has used Chanca Piedra in his medical practice in Germany. Der Name des kleinen Strauches lautet ins Deutsche übersetzt „Steinbrecher“. Since syphilis is caused by a spirochete and Chanca Piedra has traditionally been used for this illness, it would be a good study for the epidemic of Lyme’s Disease, which we are experiencing the northeastern United States, since Lyme’s is also caused by a spirochete. Gallstones and kidney stones are a major health problem in the United States. Which Is The Best Treatment For Varicocele? This same group had published several earlier in vitro studies as well as animal studies. Chanca piedra roste přirozeně nejen v oblasti Střední Ameriky, ale i Indii a zemích jihovýchodní Asie. Elle stimule le travail des reins en augmentant la miction et est donc très utile comme diurétique. Description utilisation posologie de la Chanca piedra, La feuille de graviola corossol anti-cancer, La fleur d'hibiscus pour la circulation sanguine, La baie cranberry bio contre les infections urinaires, La baie d'açaï biologique pour la perte de poids durable, Le moringa bio riches en éléments nutritifs, L'huile baobab bio en prévention des vergetures, Les mures blanches riche fer contre l'anémie. In a 2002 in vivo study, researchers seeded the bladders of rats with calcium oxalate crystals and treated them for 42 days with a water extract of Chanca Piedra. With so many different pain-relieving active compounds present in these plants, the Brazilian researchers have indicated the possibility of the existence of synergistic effects between some molecules present in the extracts, and suggest future investigations of such effects. Zde se stal významnou léčivkou tradiční ajurvédské medicíny. This significant diuretic effect, and a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure in non-diabetic hypertensive individuals were attributed to a specific phytochemical in Chanca Piedra called geraniin in a 1988 study. Gallstones that remain in the gallbladder rarely cause symptoms. CHANCA PIEDRA (CASSE-PIERRE) Le chanca piedra est efficace pour inhiber la formation des cristaux d’oxalate de calcium, l’une des principales causes des calculs rénaux. Another Amazon physician interviewed by Nicole Maxwell, about the use of Chanca Piedra for his patients said that the plant worked 100% of the time without any side effects. Elle possède des propriétés antispasmodiques qui détendent le tissu musculaire lisse dans les voies urinaires ce qui facilite l’élimination des pierres. In several animal studies (as well as within cell cultures), extracts of Chanca Piedra have stopped or inhibited cells (including liver cells) from mutating in the presence of chemical substances known to create cellular mutations and DNA strand breaks (which can lead to the creation of cancerous cells). Dans les régions tropicales où l’on peut se procurer la plante fraîche de chanca piedra bio, elle s’utilise sous forme de macération, thé, et autres préparations. The in vitro inactivation of Hepatitis B by break-stone was reported in India in 1982. While not characterized as a side effect, it is noted that for several hours during the actual process of elimination of the stones, some patients experienced stomach cramps. Since it was at this research center where a massive search of the world’s herbal literature was initiated for plants used against jaundice (acute hepatitis) and other liver diseases and Phyllanthus turned up as one of the most promising. In a book called “Cat’s Claw: Healing Vine of Peru”, Kenneth Jones, in a section of the book devoted to Chanca Piedra, states: “In the test system used, the extract of Phyllanthus urinaria showed about four times more potent activity than indomethacin and three times the strength of morphine against the second phase of pain which models the stage of “inflammatory” pain. Aldose reductases are substances that act on nerve endings exposed to high blood sugar concentration, resulting in neuropathy and macular degeneration. Chanca piedra ist ein kleines, aufrechtes wachsendes jährliches Kraut, das ca.30-40 cm hoch wird. Most of Blumberg’s early research on Chanca Piedra was carried out in India in collaboration with an Indian research group. Contenu des gélules : poudre concentré de Chanca piedra bio déshydraté 100% naturel. Of particular note, break-stone gained worldwide attention in the late 1980’s due to the plant’s antiviral activity against Hepatitis B. The beneficial effects of lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels was also confirmed by another in vivo (rat) study in 1985. A Japanese research group discovered Phyllanthus niruri’sHIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibition properties in 1992 with a simple water extract of the plant. liver issues and gallstones painlessly. Chanca Piedra a été utilisé depuis des générations par la population indigène de l’ Amérique du Sud dans l’ élimination des calculs biliaires et des calculs rénaux, réduisant également les douleurs. Researchers have suggested that another promising area for future study would be the use of Chanca Piedra in treatment of Lyme’s Disease. HERNIA BELT Designed by Andrew A. Gour, M.G., D. O. 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Chanca Piedra Steinbrecher Kraut (100g) kaufen - Tausendkraut … This cellular-protective quality was evidenced in other research, which indicated that Chanca Piedra protected against chemically induced bone marrow damage in mice, as well as against radiation-induced damage in mice. Es ist heimisch in den Regenwälder des Amazonas und anderer tropischer Gebiete. In Peru, aber auch in anderen tropischen Regionen Amerikas, wird Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri L.) schon lange vielfältig genutzt. 19 Erfahrungsberichte auf online abrufbar. It is also considered an immune system stimulator. • Dissout les calculs rénaux Cette plante se retrouve surtout dans les régions amazonienne tropicale du Pérou et dans d’autres zones tropicales, notamment en Inde et en Chine. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *. – Lutter contre certains virus et bactéries Bionaturista - Chancapiedra 120 Kapseln - Chanca Piedra - Pedra Quebra - Stumpfbrecher - Nierensteine - Gallenblase - Prostata bei | Günstiger Preis | Kostenloser Versand ab 29€ für ausgewählte Artikel The main symptom of kidney stones is pain in the left or right lower back or pelvic area that becomes excruciating as the stone attempts to leave the kidney through narrow tubes called ureters. But you can expect major problems if a stone blocks either the cystic duct (the tube that leads from the gallbladder to the bile duct) or the bile duct (the tube running from the liver and gallbladder into the intestine). It served as a relaxing agent for smooth muscles and they concluded that its spasmolytic action probably accounted for the efficacy of Chanca Piedra in expelling stones. Two other studies with rabbits and rats document the hypoglycemic effect of Chanca Piedra in diabetic animals. Preliminary clinical trials with P. niruri on children with infective hepatitis using an Indian drug containing Phyllanthus amarus as the main ingredient showed promising results, which fueled the subsequent in vitro and in vivo studies. In the U.S., the CDC also reports that 3,000-4,000 annual deaths from cirrhosis and 1,000 deaths from liver cancer are HBV-related. Magneto-therapy: An Excellent Healing Modality For Inguinal Hernias, What Traditional Chinese Medicine Has To Say About Hernias, Ten Cultured and Fermented Foods For Rebalancing The Intestinal Flora, Cultured Foods Are Important Toward Restoring The Gut Flora, Warm Water Enemas Provide An Effective Way To Break The Cycle Of Chronic Constipation. Der bekömmliche Tee aus Peru. Overview Information Chanca piedra is an herb. In a 2002 study, Indian researchers reported that Chanca Piedra increased bile acid secretion in the gallbladder and significantly lowered blood cholesterol levels in rats. Chanca Piedra $ 7,500. This study was conducted using humans and rats with kidney stones. He reported 94% of all the cases he encountered among his patients of gallstones and kidney stones were “completely eliminated” within one or two weeks. The diuretic, hypotensive and hypoglycemic effects of Phyllanthus niruri were documented in a 1995 human study. Combined with vaccines, Phyllanthus, or perhaps other herbs combined, might make a significant contribution to the eradication of viral hepatitis. Attention All Hernia Sufferers: Don’t Drink Cold Water Or Too Much Water! Chanca Piedra cantidad. Scientists from Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Pharmaceutical Research Institute isolated at least one of the constituents in the plant responsible for this activity-a novel compound that they named “niruside” and described in a 1996 study. Visitez les blogs des produits du laboratoire Biologiquement : Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Home Enemas: How and Why You Should Perform Them to Help Achieve Optimal Health, Important Video For Anyone Considering Surgery For Their Inguinal Hernia, Coffee Enema Procedure: Gentle Protocol For First-Time Users, Chanca Piedra: An Excellent Herb For Dissolving Gallstones, Exercises, Stretches and Reiki for Healing an Inguinal Hernia (Video), Visceral Manipulation: Massage And Osteopathic Technique For Healing An Inguinal Hernia, Dr. George H. 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In France, Chanca Piedra has been used for some time to treat gall and kidney stones. – Prévenir et lutter contre le paludisme Brazilian researchers have also discovered powerful, long-lasting pain-blocking activity in the roots, stems and leaves of several different species of Phyllanthus, including P. niruri. With the introduction of Chanca Piedra, health care practitioners have acquired a powerful plant ally in helping their patients to maintain optimal kidney, gall bladder, liver, and bladder health. Chanca piedra signifie casseur de pierres ou stone breaker. Chanca piedra is a remarkable medicinal plant that has long been used in Central and South America to treat kidney stones. CHANCA PIEDRA THE BENEFITS OF THE USE OF CHANCA PIEDRA IN HERBAL PREPARATIONS MEDICINAL QUALITIES OF CHANCA PIEDRA. Elaboré avec du Chanca piedra bio de qualité supérieure, soigneusement sélectionné et séché . The primary compounds responsible are phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin and triacontanal. De nombreuses études scientifiques et références de médecine traditionnelle démontrent l’efficacité de cette plante, particulièrement pour les problèmes de lithiases et de maladie hépatique. – Protéger les fonctions du foie et en convalescence de l’hépatite B HBV is reported to be 100 times more infectious than HIV, and, like HIV, is transmitted through blood transfusions, needles, sexual contact, and in utero (from mother to child in the womb). Dans ce cas suivre les indications du fabricant. – Faciliter l’élimination des liquides, dans les cas de rétention, oeudèmes, etc. Boire 2 tasses par jour. It is little wonder that chanca piedra is used for so many purposes in herbal medicine systems: in clinical research over the years, … Bio Chanca Piedra | Nahrungsergänzung | hauer Naturprodukte Chanca Piedra is also used in herbal medicine for gallstones and one study indicates that Chanca Piedra has an effect on gallbladder processes. Bionaturista - Chancapiedra 120 Cápsulas - Chanca Piedra - Pedra Quebra - Rompe piedras- Cálculos Renales - Cálculos Vesícula Biliar - Próstata: Salud y cuidado personal Les plantes biologiques et sauvages de cette formule ont été sélectionnées pour leurs propriétés diurétiques et anti-inflammatoires, ainsi que pour leur effet fortifiant et tonifiant sur les reins et le système urinaire. In fact, 20,000,000 in the U.S. suffer from gallstones and medical doctors treat 600,000 each year for this condition. Commentaire document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa39c7735cbcb9e1f3cd2159bf7399ac" );document.getElementById("c98a5f996a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Some herbalists have used Chanca Piedra traditionally for gonorrhea and syphilis. Kidney stones are formed when urine becomes too concentrated-usually due to chronic dehydration, infection, various kidney disorders, deficiencies in magnesium, and excess purines or oxalates in the diet. Their first human study reported that a water extract of Phyllantus amarusand niruri cleared the HBV surface antigen from 22 of 37 chronic HBV patients in only 30 days and continued to test negative for nine months. Le chanca piedra pour les calculs CHANCA PIEDRA est un extrait produit à partir des feuilles et des tiges de la plante Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) que l’ on trouve en Amérique du Sud. The hope for Phyllanthusis to provide an abundantly available nontoxic alternative not only to treat the disease, but ideally to render carriers Sero-negative for the virus so they won’t pass it on to others. La plante qui dissout et expulse les pierres rénales ou biliaires CORONAVIRUS TIPS: Here are the best ways to immediately treat a viral infection. Blumberg was employed with the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and it was with this group and the Indian research group that filed two patents on the plant’s ability to treat HBV and its antiviral properties in 1985 and1988. Liver cancer to date is reported to be 100% fatal. It may well be that Chanca Piedra’s documented ability to stop cells from mutating plays an important factor in this reported anticancerous activity. Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. 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The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 73,000 new U.S. cases of HBV infection per year are added to the current estimate of 1.25 million carriers in the U.S. Elle est efficace pour traiter les problèmes de rétention de liquides dans l’organisme. Buy BIO HERBAL-CHANCA Piedra - Stone Breaker-Herbal Tea(3 Pack) - 40 GR/1.4 OZ Each on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders De nombreuses études confirment égalementde l’ efficacité de chanca piedra bio pour protéger le foie contre le virus de l’hépatite B et pour aider le foie dans le processus de guérison de cette maladie. Chanca Piedra is a perfect example of a highly beneficial medicinal plant, which is deserving of much more research. This led to the discovery that HBV was the primary cause of liver cancer and initiated the development of HBV vaccines.

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